Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 44-Feel like a new man

I missed two days of exercise due to a fever but I feel refreshed and significantly better. The two days of illness must have cleared me up as I feel stronger oddly enough. Weighed myself in the gym today. A hair under 93 kilos, which is down about 7 kilos. I can see an abdominal muscle that I have never seen before. Cool. I can see the difference and although I do not think it is significant, my belt buckle tells me otherwise. My suits and shirts are hanging off of me and my jeans are way too big now. I can see that my quads are more defined as well. I still am not near my goal on pull ups though. I can get about 3 before failure and I really would like to be able to do 6-10. I still need to build those weak muscles. Also my lower back fat is still very much present. I miss certain food types but we are half way there and I am getting very close to a weight I am happy with and for once I do not wince when I look in the mirror. I need to get a weekly photo up as I think I am tardy on this.


  1. Yeah man get those fresh photos up and note the changes. Your eye is a poor judge of changes but the camera doesn't lie.

  2. My clothes are definitely getting looser but nowhere near showing a hint of abs yet. Think the back and gut fat is the LAST to go, which is annoying as its usually the barometer for fitness. 7kgs is an awesome amount of weight to lose in 40+ days.

  3. dude you look great! Night and Day! Keep it up!

    AWESOME! This SH'$ really works!

  4. Dude I hear you on the changes being not super significant, I feel the same, and the back fat pockets are still there...but suspect that is the pesky visceral fat and it'll be the last to go...keep at it.
