Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 53-I have a migraine this AM

Besides waking up with a migraine life is good. I wanted to do my jump ropes first thing but I am not feeling up to it. I cheated last night. A female friend left some starburst gummi bear things at my house and I ate a bunch of them. I am wondering if this is what has given me this tremendous headache. Perhaps Patrick has found a way for our bodies to reject all the junk food I used to enjoy. My weight has been stuck at 92.5 kilos for the last week and a bit. A bit frustrating but I guess my weight loss will not be in a straight line. I can see a difference but my abs are not really peeking through yet. The exercises are not necessarily getting more difficult but they feel more efficient for killing each muscle group. The jumping rope is awesome. I really enjoy it and am wondering if I will ever have to get on a treadmill again. They are tough but I like them and am doing over 400/ 3 min set with few errors. More than a few times I get over 450 done so I am doing over 2k which is cool considering when all this started I dreaded doing 500. Not loads of time left but I am starting to crave a more balance social life and an occasional indulgence. I know that I must be strict here as we break away that tough sticky fat but it is not easy. Man my head hurts this morning. Hope all the rest of my fellow program participants are in a good frame of mind as well. Off to the mirror to check myself out. Damn vanity.....Oh yeah and my sex drive has gone to zero. Why is that?


  1. The unexpected sugar load sounds like the migraine culprit.

    It's natural to want to stop being a recluse and eat delicious food. If you were like "Rah rah I LOVE THIS" I'd worry about your mental health a bit.

    Just a little more here!

  2. Sex life gone to Zero? Cool will put a note out in the Japan times that Fathers can let their daughters out on the streets again!

    Migraine? No problem with that here Im doing the rope without counting....makes it much more enjoyable and allows my mind to wander and get in a zone.....Also allows me to try some tricks give it a crack

  3. Dude use this time to do other things...your libido will come back, and when it does I fear for all females in this country....

  4. And the sheep in Yamanashi are now breathing a bit easier.....

  5. ironically, the word I had to insert on the last comment was FAT-ING-LY

    Its the Gummy Bears! I just know it!
