Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 21-3rd week done

Have not been sleeping too well the last few nights. Not sure why. Yesterday worked out with Tim and the two of were exhausted. I really had very little energy but finished the workout regardless. Feeling exhausted today and have had  a few occasional hunger pangs but nothing I can not control. I do miss chocolate though and those Reese's peanut butter cups floating around the office are quite tempting. The 1000 jumps (I did 1050) felt very manageable. It took me about 15 minutes. Is that about the same as the rest of you guys? The scale says I have lost about 4 kilos and some have commented that my face is less fat. My clothes fit better as evidenced by the looseness of my belt. I do feel good but time management is an issue. Still spending a lot of time prepping/weighing food. I can tell I am slimming a bit but there is a lot to go as when I lean over the folds are nasty. Also my back seems to store a lot of fat and there is obviously little muscle back there.  My biceps also feel like they are decreasing in size. My libido has come back with a vengeance and the sex addiction is back. Blocky's girlfriend seems excited by this. Having lunch with Jimbo, Tim and another colleague the last few days has been a treat. Good guys and helps to have others in close proximity going through the program and dealing with this POS market. I hope the fat continues to drop so I can see my millimeter Peter again.


  1. A lot of that sounds very familiar dude...trouble sleeping (Kim said she had that for the first month then it went away, lets hope that holds true for us), the loose belt (pretty awesome), noticeable weight loss in the face as well. I have all of that going on. 15 minutes sounds like a slightly longer time for 1050 jumps though, I found that it takes me just under 1 minute per 100, and if I break it up into 4 sets with 20 seconds in between then it's somewhere around 10+ mins. Anyone else?

  2. Stay on plan and it'll all go! It's just physics.

  3. Hey Alex, I did my 1000 in about 14 minutes today so sounds right to me...
