Saturday, October 9, 2010

Days 25 and 26

I can see a change but it has gotten this has gotten to a new level of difficulty. The last two evenings I had serious hunger pangs and wanted to order a pizza or eat some Nutella. I did neither. My jump ropes seems to have gotten worse and it has infuriated me. I was close to ripping my rope in two, hulk style. I hope this rage passes. In reference to Patrick's email: There have been a few naysayers but they do not bother me and I am not going to turn my back on them as friends. I see that as more of a challenge. There are some people at work getting into jumping rope which is cool. Ok now to whinge about some of the new exercises a bit. Floorjump. I felt like an ass doing this outside next to my apartment but in many ways it was hilarious as I must have looked like such an ass especially when I collapsed like a heap of dung onto the pavement. And the V-sit! hahahaha I feel so uncoordinated doing this. My legs come up no problem and my heavy upper body is stuck to the floor. I did an ugly 3 sets. Day 25 was not a fun workout for me. Day 26 I did in my apartment. My jump rope is Donki quality and its squeakiness was heard well over the CCR I had cranked. I might need to get one of those nice Valeo ropes w/ the internal ball bearings. The Creep is brutal. My quads were on fire. I can see that this is going to get very tough. The shoulder press is fine for 2 sets but by the third I am in pain. I suppose the same weak muscles that are incapable of lifting me up to do more than a few pull ups are to blame here. What a wimp I am! "I did the plank today over lunch break and they were easy"-Jim O'Hanlon. Well I have not had that experience. I felt like my mid section was going to explode. Holy sh$t is the plank hard. I can really see that these are going to get brutal and really work the muscle. I had my doubts but they have been dashed. The nutritious diet is fine. Mixing it up a bit more and improving a bit with my time management. Thank god we get Monday off.


  1. I am so impressed that you floorjump outside! That is dedication. And lemme tell you, the exercises? They keep getting harder. It's mostly the same ones, but the combinations kick my ass every freaking day. It's kind of fun, though.

  2. I find myself shaking during the are looking good mate!

  3. Looking good dude, you definitely have lost a bit since we started this....

  4. Your neighbors must be thinking crazy gaijin and their awkward rituals!
