Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 18/19-Getting more difficult.

I feel I can see some positive changes in my physique surprisingly quickly. My back seems to store lots of fat though as I can see no muscle there and the pull ups are nigh impossible. I can do 3...embarrassing but true. I can do the incline pull ups but with considerable difficulty. Any suggestions for the regular pull ups? I doubt I am alone with this. Should we occasionally get massages? My muscles are feeling quite tight and today I can barely move as my lower back is in serious pain. I managed to do my workout this morning without pain but I am icing my lower back as I write this because it feels pretty damn bad. The outside curl felt like it was going to rip my arms from their sockets. I have had a few hunger pangs as of late but I am not cheating. Been using a lot more spices to make it manageable as I used to use too much salt. Patrick-What do you think of glucosamine? I used to talk it when I trained for tris as my old coach instructed me to do so. I have stopped while on this nutritious diet. Thoughts there? reading your last email I have not noticed any strange changes besides the gas and actually my libido has dropped off of a cliff. I used to be addicted but for this last week I really have not been in the mood. I do not feel more flexible and in fact my muscles feel very tight right now. What a lovely weekend though. Hope this weather can stick around.


  1. No need for glucosamine, that stuff is usually for people with joint problems and even then it has proven no better than placebo for those patients. Don't know why a coach would have you on it unless he was getting a commission!

    As far as massage, it'll feel nice but it's of absolutely no theraputic value. For more read this:

  2. Stretch stretch stretch! I do a good 10 min of stretching after each work out and it feels really good. It will help with the soreness as well. If you have time, before and after each work out helps a lot!

    The massage guy I went to asked me how much I stretch....and then he stretched the hell out of me....paid him $150 to tell me I need to stretch more....

    Dont worry mate, I can barely do ONE regular pull up! I found a bar that is about head hight, so I can use my legs to help get all the way up. I know its cheating a little, but its the only way!

  3. Ok first...Andy, massage GUY? Come w/ me to Olives spa...get you a proper massage. I'm with you Benson, not feeling much in the way of improved flexibility, I've started stretching a bit more after the workout which I hope will help
