Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 8-Worked out with my man Reed!

Jump rope becoming better but after about 300 my feet really start to hurt. Calves burn but my feet do not feel right. Reed goes at twice the pace I do! Old man power Reed! First day on the diet and I was unable to stick to a T as did not have time to get a proper breakfast while stuck at my desk. Will be able to going forward though. For lunch Tim and I went to find an assortment if stuff and I think we got fairly close to what we were supposed to eat. Had my banana for mid afternoon snack and for dinner I will be weighing my food and eating the exact portion I have been prescribed. The chin pull-ups are very tough. Clearly my back muscles are non existent as the push ups are not nearly as tough. It felt like a really solid workout and I can see this being effective. I like the new routine. I think I am off to Shimoda for a 4 day weekend either tonight or tomorrow morning so I will be blog free for a few days. Looking forward to being near the beach, eating right, exercising and getting some reading done. Also plan on finishing up Season 2 of The Wire. I hope the weather is ok as current forecast is for some rain...

1 comment:

  1. The second you start to like a workout we'll change it, so don't get too attached.
