Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 15th-Awesome workout with Reed-san

For an old fart Tim can skip rope quite rapidly. I can not keep up with the geezer. We had a great workout. Both of us worked our muscles to exhaustion and I really felt it today more than I had in the past. I have not slept well the last two nights so hoping my energy levels do not drop off a cliff here. I am spending loads of time cooking/weighing food when I get home. I do not mind it but it leaving little free time for me. Started the reduced carb dinner tonight. Feeling good. I am off canyoning next weekend with some friends. I think I will be able to stick to the diet but I will not be able to exercise for 2 days-Will that be a problem? what is a good way to liven up some genmai? Mine is kind of plain right now.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 13-ummm anyone got gas?

Feeling better but man am I flatulent. I am not starving one bit and do feel better but I never really felt that bad to begin with to be honest. My pants are feeling a touch looser and my weight after exercising (is that cheating?) was 96.3kg, down from the 100kilo plateau I have had. On a few of the exercises I think I need to increase my reps as you noted to get that burn. I was sweating quite a bit and those tricep dips are tough as sh$t. During the exercise I never felt my legs getting tired but walking home I can feel my quads and gluts ache a bit. Tonight I spent over an hour preparing shrimp, salmon, chicken, soba and some other things for my meals. If I am not mistaken everyone in our group has a girlfriend or wife doing all this for them....and this is the only time I am envious.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 12-I am exhausted

Found some good imported cereal this morning with no sugar or salt and all natural ingredients. I got back from Shimoda yesterday afternoon and have stuck with the exercises and diet. The last 2 days I have not done the incline pull-ups because there are not tables or anything at my apartment or in Shimoda sturdy enough to support me. I did an extra set of push ups even though I know it is not the same muscle groups. Today's exercise was much more difficult for me. I seemed to have little energy which might be because of some late night cardio....The jump rope was very tough, especially after doing 500. I kept stumbling which is very frustrating. The last set of push ups were almost impossible as my shoulders/chest almost gave out. The curls are tough but my biceps look like they started shrinking as I used to use free weights to target them. The Davincis are great. Very tough but I can really feel the burn. And sit ups remain a pain in the ass but I can do them. One question though-I know we are to avoid nuts but is it ok if I sprinkle a small amount of sesame seeds over my brown rice?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 9-Still in Tokyo

I have not left for Shimoda yet and enjoying the day off for Autumnal Equinox. The breakfast was satisfying and I hope I got skim milk. My friend gave me the kanji for skim milk but it tastes like it is not fat free. Had a cucumber and part of  a carrot and finished off the leftover past from last night. Used a little olive oil with the pasta and to cook the eggs. Had an espresso as well. Did my 600 jump ropes and the first 400 went fine but the last 200 were painful on my feet again. Also last 100 or so I kept stumbling. Quite annoying. Lunges felt too easy today. I think I need to go lower on them to really work the quad more. For my triceps I did them using a wall outside where I conducted my exercises. And the forward shoulder raise was very difficult for me. Abs easier than I expected especially considering yesterday the sit ups I did were strenuous. Off to the beach soon. Hope I get some sun poking through these clouds.

Day 8-Worked out with my man Reed!

Jump rope becoming better but after about 300 my feet really start to hurt. Calves burn but my feet do not feel right. Reed goes at twice the pace I do! Old man power Reed! First day on the diet and I was unable to stick to a T as did not have time to get a proper breakfast while stuck at my desk. Will be able to going forward though. For lunch Tim and I went to find an assortment if stuff and I think we got fairly close to what we were supposed to eat. Had my banana for mid afternoon snack and for dinner I will be weighing my food and eating the exact portion I have been prescribed. The chin pull-ups are very tough. Clearly my back muscles are non existent as the push ups are not nearly as tough. It felt like a really solid workout and I can see this being effective. I like the new routine. I think I am off to Shimoda for a 4 day weekend either tonight or tomorrow morning so I will be blog free for a few days. Looking forward to being near the beach, eating right, exercising and getting some reading done. Also plan on finishing up Season 2 of The Wire. I hope the weather is ok as current forecast is for some rain...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 7-Week 1 over

Ate half of my normal diet and managed the 500 jump rope. Went quicker than I though but my calves and feet were aching quite a bit when I was done. Bought my digital scale and ready to start the new diet!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 6-Has been a few days

Day 4 and 5 were tough on the diet side. Eating half made me feel light headed and I did the exercises in the morning and got a headache both days during the jump rope. I manged though and have been eating half and did all the workouts making sure to do the higher number of reps within our range. Unfortunately the location in Shimoda in front of our house where I did the jump rope is concrete so frankly my knees are a bit achy as is my back surprisingly. I think the back is b/c of the crappy futons we have in our house. I also did some swimming in addition to our exercise which brings me to another question. If I go on bike rides, or do light running etc is that ok in addition to our PCP program? I doubt this will happen frequently but just curious. Saw a bunch more stingrays while swimming and a small Sole. Quite cool and the weather was terrific. My quads are feeling the extra workout and I am really pumped for this. I was getting so fed up of the damn treadmill. Also has anyone experienced mild discomfort on the soles of their feet while jumping rope?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 3 and still very hungry

Same breakfast but half size. Lunch had mixed salad and a cappuccino-sml size. Dinner unsure yet as heading down to Shimoda for the long weekend so will be exercising down there but no blogs I do not think as we do not have internet service there. exercise today not bad at all.should my calves ache this much after the jump rope? gotta run and catch the train!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2

Same breakfast-1/2 cup of cereal with some milk and half an orange. Also had an ice coffee. Lunch I had half a cheese and salami pizza-split with my friend Tim Reed. This was a Japanese pizza so not huge. It came with a small salad and a coffee. Dinner consisted of a small salad again with oil/vinegar dressing, a hard boiled egg, some ocha and a piece of buttered wheat bread. I also had one piece of gum to chew on intraday and no other snacking. I am starving and I started the day light headed. Exercised with Tim after work. Jump rope felt better but still really tough. Lunges I can tell will get painful. Push ups a breeze. Leg lifts not so painful. I am so hungry......

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 1-My first ever blog anywhere

Day 1 is over and I am looking forward to this. Ate half my normal amount of cereal and gave half of my orange to a colleague for breakfast. Lunch I had 3/4 of my meal of cheese gratin curry which was very heavy. I had zero snacks while on the desk which is rare for me. I am sitting down to a salad with a oil and vinegar dressing.  I did the squats, push ups and sit ups at the gym and they were a cinch. I went to Donki to get a jump rope and did my sets at myt apartment. Umm jump roping is not as easy as I thought. First set I did w/o error but was too fast. the other 5 sets i stumbled a few times and did a dbl jump in between each revolution. the jump roping is going to be very difficult I can tell.

Monday, September 13, 2010