Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day ? NO clue

I am in the states for Thanksgiving holiday and I have the time and food available to stick to everything but I am not sticking with it all to a T. Eating with friends/family and I have cheated on both quantities and types of food. On exercises I have slacked off as well. Jet lagged and can't be bothered. Much easier for me to stick to everything when in Tokyo under my own roof. I do not feel bad about it all but I really want to see those abs and I have no one to blame except myself. I do have a question though. If at the end of the program we want to lose some more fat if we stick to the harder exercises for another month and keep the food program strict can we achieve the abs we want in case we do not arrive at the exact point we want? Also Jason-I can only do one 90 second plank and the other sets I am shaking and have to put a knee down. Try putting a knee down and then both instead of just giving up entirely. Jet lag sucks.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 65-Quick Blog

Burning out on every single exercise now. I am unable to complete all reps of all sets and that is I believe a good thing. Planks were absurdly difficult today and pathetically I was only able to finish one set w/o needing to drop a knee. Weighed in at 89.5kg. Under my 90 kilo target and under 200lbs. Happy about that but feel that I am bound to pack on a lb. or 2 when back in the states. OK I'm out!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 60-New pics uploaded

You can kind of see my abs showing through...kind of...maybe...anyone? ahhahahaha. oh well i feel better anyways. Post exercise Friday weighed in at 90.7 kilos which is 200lbs. I am sitting right on my "target". Psyched but I want more...and a pizza. Off to the states in a week for Thanksgiving to see my mom. Excited and I am sure I will eat a nice thanksgiving meal that will not be PCP approved. 30 days more! Well I am not even looking at this like that any more. Frankly after 30 days I will have new habits but perhaps I will eat out once a week and have some drinks occasionally. I never really thought this all would be possible in a relatively short period of time. I want to go out and chase some ladies with my reduced fat physique. Anyone want to join?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 58-Still have a cold

Saturday my throat hurt and I ignored it and worked out quite intensely and the next day I woke up with a horrific cold that I still have not shaken. I have an annoying cough left and I have been afraid all of my fellow PCPers are now leaving me in the dust. I did the jump ropes today as I can tell the cold is almost beaten but I lacked the energy or strength to do the remainder of the exercise. I figured I had gained weight as I was obligated to go to a client dinner the other night and we ate very rich food (no booze though as I was/am still sick). I weighed myself today. 91.5 kilos. Down another kilo despite no exercise for a number of days. I suppose I have been working my abs as I cough so much. Still happy to be only 1 kilo away from breaking the 200 lb.  mark. cool. I have not weighed that much since I was 15. Hoping tomorrow I can get back into the full swing of things. Reed said he could see my abs poking through but I think he was humoring me....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 53-I have a migraine this AM

Besides waking up with a migraine life is good. I wanted to do my jump ropes first thing but I am not feeling up to it. I cheated last night. A female friend left some starburst gummi bear things at my house and I ate a bunch of them. I am wondering if this is what has given me this tremendous headache. Perhaps Patrick has found a way for our bodies to reject all the junk food I used to enjoy. My weight has been stuck at 92.5 kilos for the last week and a bit. A bit frustrating but I guess my weight loss will not be in a straight line. I can see a difference but my abs are not really peeking through yet. The exercises are not necessarily getting more difficult but they feel more efficient for killing each muscle group. The jumping rope is awesome. I really enjoy it and am wondering if I will ever have to get on a treadmill again. They are tough but I like them and am doing over 400/ 3 min set with few errors. More than a few times I get over 450 done so I am doing over 2k which is cool considering when all this started I dreaded doing 500. Not loads of time left but I am starting to crave a more balance social life and an occasional indulgence. I know that I must be strict here as we break away that tough sticky fat but it is not easy. Man my head hurts this morning. Hope all the rest of my fellow program participants are in a good frame of mind as well. Off to the mirror to check myself out. Damn vanity.....Oh yeah and my sex drive has gone to zero. Why is that?