Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 81-New pics uploaded

Only 9 more days but as most fellow PCPers I have spoken with after 9 days it is not really over as I am certain my habits have changed. What Patrick said about wanting more from your body and once you see results you want more is very true for me. I can see some semblance of my abs for the first time in my life and I admit that I like it. Call me vain but I do not cringe when I look in the mirror...ok maybe a little bit......and then a bit more when I see my mug...not really. I think I look fairly good. Lots of compliments from friends and there are a few people jumping rope in the gym who never did before. Just under 90 kilos now and have been fairly stable here. I would like to lose some more fat but I am more than content. My muscles are larger and less concentrated on one muscle group and more total physique which is great. My two favorite exercises are also my least favorite; pull ups and planks. Both are so tough but I can really feel the isolated muscle burns. When we started this I struggled to do 3 pull ups and now I can muster about 8...ok 7 and a half. I can see my lats a bit now but I realize I need to do more pull ups to get my back to where I want it to be. I will post new pics and you can see how useless and muscle free my back is. But I can definitely see how pull ups will assist this. Food is no problem at all. I do not crave junk food but I do miss an occasional burger or pizza...and Indian food...and chocolate. The PCP breakfast is here to stay. I will not change this and I actually look forward to this meal every day. I may be waking up 10 minutes earlier but it is 100% worth it. Lunch I suspect I will bring in a few days but I do miss going out with some of my colleagues. Which really is the most difficult thing about finding a new balance. Most socializing involves drinking and staying out late. I will need to cater to my social life a bit more though as it has been lacking. Dinner is small and low on the carbs and I can live with that no problem. Steamed veggies are the new norm. Ok now to upload those pics.


  1. Yeah man, you've got a funny body composition going on! But a few more months of training and the lats, rhomboids, and trap will come out more to match your rocking delts and arms. Looking good.

    The PCP breakfast is essential if you want to have a long and healthy life. Glad you're onboard!

  2. Good stuff man, I think we all feel like there is still more work to do, and it sounds like we are all committed to keeping up with these good practices going forward. I for one expect you to have a much more presentable figure for the beach come June.
